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Experience, Class Points, & Reputation Requirements

Experience, Class Points, & Reputation Requirements
Experience, Class Points, & Reputation Requirements
Experience (XP/Exp) is required to level up your character. Experience is gained by defeating enemies or completing quests, and varies based on the enemy level or difficulty of quest.

Requirements to Level Up:
1-2: 65 Exp
2-3: 120 Exp
3-4: 300 Exp
4-5: 600 Exp
5-6: 1,000 Exp
6-7: 1,500 Exp
7-8: 2,000 Exp
8-9: 2,550 Exp
9-10: 3,200 Exp
10-11: 3,850 Exp
11-12: 4,600 Exp
12-13: 5,450 Exp
13-14: 6,450 Exp
14-15: 7,700 Exp
15-16: 9,200 Exp
16-17: 12,900 Exp
17-18: 15,150 Exp
18-19: 17,650 Exp
19-20: 20,650 Exp
20-21: 24,150 Exp
21-22: 28,150 Exp
22-23: 32,650 Exp
23-24: 32,650 Exp
24-25: 37,650 Exp
25-26: 43,650 Exp
26-27: 51,650 Exp
27-28: 63,150 Exp
28-29: 79,650 Exp
29-30: 101,650 Exp
30-31: 131,150 Exp
31-32: 170,650 Exp
32-33: 223,150 Exp
33-34: 290,650 Exp
34-35: 312,500 Exp
35-36: 331,250 Exp
36-37: 350,000 Exp
37-38: 368,750 Exp
38-39: 387,500 Exp
39-40: 406,250 Exp
40-41: 425,000 Exp
41-42: 443,750 Exp
42-43: 462,500 Exp
43-44: 481,250 Exp
44-45: 500,000 Exp
45-46: 518,750 Exp
46-47: 537,500 Exp
47-48: 556,250 Exp
48-49: 575,000 Exp
49-50: 598,750 Exp
50-51: 633,760 Exp
51-52: 664,670 Exp
52-53: 710,130 Exp
53-54: 759,000 Exp
54-55: 785,000 Exp
55-56: 815,000 Exp
56-57: 840,000 Exp
57-58: 870,000 Exp
58-59: 910,000 Exp
59-60: 990,000 Exp
60-61: 1,080,000 Exp
61-62: 1,180,000 Exp
62-63: 1,290,000 Exp
63-64: 1,410,000 Exp
64-65: 1,540,000 Exp
65-66: 1,680,000 Exp
66-67: 1,830,000 Exp
67-68: 1,990,000 Exp
68-69: 2,160,000 Exp
69-70: 2,340,000 Exp
70-71: 2,530,000 Exp
71-72: 2,730,000 Exp
72-73: 2,940,000 Exp
73-74: 3,160,000 Exp
74-75: 3,390,000 Exp
75-76: 3,630,000 Exp
76-77: 3,880,000 Exp
77-78: 4,140,000 Exp
78-79: 4,410,000 Exp
79-80: 4,690,000 Exp
80-81: 4,980,000 Exp
81-82: 5,280,000 Exp
82-83: 5,590,000 Exp
83-84: 5,910,000 Exp
84-85: 6,420,000 Exp
85-86: 6,580,000 Exp
86-87: 7,580,000 Exp
87-88: 8,580,000 Exp
88-89: 9,580,000 Exp
89-90: 10,580,000 Exp

Class Points
Class Points (CP) are used to raise your rank in the class you are wearing. Class Points are gained from defeating enemies. Class Points gained from enemies varies based on enemy level and your current class rank. If you sell a class armor it will return to Rank 1 if you obtain it again.

Class Rank Requirements:
1-2: 900 CP
2-3: 2,700 CP
3-4: 6,400 CP
4-5: 12,500 CP
5-6: 21,600 CP
6-7: 34,300 CP
7-8: 51,200 CP
8-9: 72,900 CP
9-10: 100,000 CP

Reputation (Rep) is used to increase your rank within Factions. Reputation is gained by completing specific quests and will allow users to gain access to items in the faction shops as they rank up. Daily quests will give more rep than other quests, and can be done once a day.

Reputation Requirements:
1-2: 900 Rep
2-3: 2,700 Rep
3-4: 6,400 Rep
4-5: 12,500 Rep
5-6: 21,600 Rep
6-7: 34,300 Rep
7-8: 51,200 Rep
8-9: 72,900 Rep
9-10: 100,000 Rep

Source: aqwwiki

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