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AQW Commands List

AQW Commands List
AQW Commands List
To make it a command, add the forward slash, e.g /afk

/afk: Toggles your AFK status on/off
/report <abusive player name>: Brings up the report menu
/join <location name>: Takes you to the desired location
/join <location name>-<room number>: You can join custom rooms over 1000 and under 100000, as long as they are not full. Joining an instance of 100000 or more results in you being transported to a random instance between 99000 and 99999.
/goto <character name>: Go directly to a specific player (presuming that the destination room is not full or a locked zone)
/w <player's name> (space bar): Whisper to someone privately
/tell <player's name> (space bar): Whisper to someone privately
/<player's name> > (space bar): Whisper to someone privately
[shift]+click a name in the chat window: Quickly lets you whisper to that player
/who: View users in the area
/who <player's name>: Tells you if that person is logged on to the same server as you. (Note: Glitches and does not work if the player's name consists of three or more parts contains spaces, i.e. a username such as Sora To Hoshi will not appear with the /who <player's name> command regardless of being online or not.)
/s (space bar): Speak in normal chat
/say (space bar): Speak in normal chat
/1 (space bar): Speak in normal chat
/p (space bar): Speak in party chat (s, say or 1 followed by pressing the space bar deactivates party chat)
/ignore <player's name>: Ignores a player. The players' names will then be visible on the Ignore List in the order in which they were ignored.
/unignore <player's name>: Unignores a player. This command can be also used on words/phrases that are not part of usernames, and they will still be added to the Ignore List.
/c (space bar): Speak in private chat (after someone PM's you) (s, say or 1 followed by pressing the space bar deactivates private chat)
/r (space bar): Reply to the last person who whispered to you in private chat
/> (space bar): Reply to the last person who whispered to you in private chat (This command does not require a front slash '/' to be used)
/partyon: Toggles party invites on
/partyoff: Toggles party invites off
/friendon: Toggles friend invites on
/friendoff: Toggles friend invites off
/pmon: Toggles whispers on
/pmoff: Toggles whispers off
/friend <player's name>: Invites player to join your friends list
/invite <player's name>: Invites player to join your party
/house <player's name>: Go to someone's house (if they don't have one, you are taken to Centaur 21 instead)
/roll: Randomly rolls a number between 1 and 100, within emote chat, in the format "<player> rolls a <number between 1 and 100>".
/reload: Reloaded your character in the map rare
/ps <player's name>: Summons a player from another map (must be in your party to do so)
/pi <player's name>: Invites a player to your party
/duel <player's name>: Invites that person to PvP (Doomwood Arena only)
/e/me/em <message>: Makes a custom emote
/gc <guild name>: Creates a guild legendsmall.png
/gd <player's name>: Demotes a player in your guild.
/gi <player's name>: Invites a player to your guild
/gp <player's name>: Promotes a player in your guild
/gr <player's name>: Removes a player from your guild
/rg <guild name>: Renames a guild Cost: 1,000 acs
/g (space bar): Activates guild chat (s, say or 1 followed by pressing the space bar deactivates guild chat)
/guild: Brings up the list of guild members and what server they're on
/motd: Shows guild's message of the day.
/motd <message>: Either creates or overrides a new message of the day (only if you're the Guild Leader or a Guild Officer)

Source: aqwwiki
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